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Welcome to the Sylogist Blog

Image of a woman within a winery sitting at a table, smiling while working on her laptop alone

Sylogist is thrilled to announce our 2023 Partner of the Year award to Finley & Cook, PLLC a distinguished certified public services firm

Understanding and using your data is essential to fundraise and retain donors successfully. That may seem impossible with the amount of information you are juggling.

Sylogist, is pleased to announce that two new directors, Tracy Edkins and Andrea Ward, have been added as directors of the Company.

Charitable Trends and how nonprofit fundraisers can make these charitable giving trends work for their organizations.

Ready to embark on the journey to uncover the latest features of Portal Connector. Let's take a deep dive into our e-commerce module.

The USS Midway is America’s living symbol of freedom. The mission of the USS Midway Museum is to preserve the historic USS Midway aircraft carrier and the legacy of those who serve, inspire and educate future generations, and entertain museum guests.

Food Banks Canada mission is a Canada where no one goes hungry. In collaboration with a supportive food bank network that spans coast-to-coast-to-coast, Food Banks Canada provides national leadership to relieve hunger today and prevent hunger tomorrow.

Right To Play is an international non-profit organization with a mission to empower vulnerable children to overcome the effects of war, poverty, and disease through play.

For over 15 years, the Archdiocese of Toronto maintained two separate and disconnected databases to house valuable information about their parishioners and constituents.