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Welcome to the Sylogist Blog

Image of a woman within a winery sitting at a table, smiling while working on her laptop alone

A victim notification system is an essential tool for any state's criminal justice system, as it plays a crucial role.

In the dynamic realm of cybersecurity, safeguarding your digital assets and sensitive data from malicious entities is an ongoing challenge.

Sylogist Ltd. is pleased to announce that Mr. Errol Olsen has been added as a director of the Company effective August 25, 2023.

Dioceses play a vital role in the administration and spiritual guidance of the Catholic Church. They are responsible for managing a multitude of entities, including schools, missions, and parishes.

In North America, the act of giving back to the community and supporting charitable causes has always been deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric.

SylogistMission met with the nonprofit technology experts at Heller Consulting, to discuss how nonprofits can improve their fundraising efforts and overcome the challenges they face with Raiser’s Edge

Are you considering changing the foundation of your development and fundraising operations from Raiser’s Edge and determining if MISSION CRM and Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit are the right fit to achieve your short and long-term goals?

Sylogist Ltd. (TSX: SYZ) today announced its Q2 2023 financial results for the three months ending June 30, 2023.

Features and benefits of the the Portal Connector by Sylogist and how it can empower businesses to thrive in the digital age.

We'll explore how nonprofit fundraisers can better understand donor's preferences and motivations for generational giving because they vary.