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Welcome to the Sylogist Blog

Image of a woman within a winery sitting at a table, smiling while working on her laptop alone

Keep reading to learn the five quick and easy steps you can take to optimize your campaigns and ensure their success.

Looking at datasets, we can draw conclusions on how people give and apply them to our GivingTuesday campaigns. Learn the top insights below.

We are firm believers that the future of local governments hinges on the adoption of modern, cloud-based technologies.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) grapple with a myriad of challenges in their quest to create a better world.

In an era shaped by digital transformation, nonprofits grapple with heightened competition for funding and escalating mission costs.

A victim notification system is an essential tool for any state's criminal justice system, as it plays a crucial role.

Features and benefits of the the Portal Connector by Sylogist and how it can empower businesses to thrive in the digital age.

Explore the telltale signs that your local government ERP is holding you back and the importance of upgrading to a more suitable solution.

Accounting for nonprofits, NGOs, and public sector organizations requires specific processes that traditional standards may not address.